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4F Solutions "Introducing"

Business software, in our opinion, should address complex demands without being overly complicated. Our goal is to deliver software that runs efficiently for every user and company while being intuitive, fully featured, closely connected, and easy to upgrade. Our goal is to offer a variety of user-friendly business apps that come as a whole toolkit to support any business requirement. We provide businesses with simple access to the tools they require to operate and grow their operations. .

About Us

4F solutionsis one of the emerging Information Technology and Financial Accounting solution company in Iraq/ Kurdistan region. We have been working with big companies and proudly we have achieved so many successful projects in different secrets with different services. Our Projects:

1 - Arzheen Hospital

2 - ASCO International City

3 - Ravco Medical Center

4 - Top Education Institute

5 - Byte Institute - Erbil

6 - Zanst International School-Sulaymaniyah

7 - Zanst International School-Sulaymaniyah

8 - Zanst International School-Soran

9 - Zanst International School-High School- Sulaymaniyah

10 - Silver Road Company

11 - Gasha Company

12 - Hawler School1.

13 - Hawler School-2

14 - Hawler School-3

15 - Shyaw School - Primary

16 - Shyaw School - elementary

17 - Lanya Scan- Medical Center - Erbil

18 - Gasha International Institute

19 - Gasha Medical Institute

20 - Gasha International School

21 - Noor School.

22 - Gasha High School -Erbil.

23 - Gasha High School -Sulaymaniyah.

- and More

Our Services

ERP System


Financial and HP consulting

Demo Systems

coming soon

Contact us

120 Street, New Majedi MAll Erbil, Kurdistan - Iraq